In the weeks since my previous post on Working with Arrow and DuckDB in Rust, I’ve found a few gripes that I’d like to address.

Memory usage of query_arrow and stream_arrow

In the previous post, I used the query_arrow API. It’s pretty straightforward and gives you iterator-compatible access to the query results. However, there’s one small problem: its memory consumption scales roughly linearly with your result set.

This isn’t a problem for many uses of DuckDB, but if your datasets are in the tens or hundreds of gigabytes and you’re wanting to process a large number of rows, the RAM requirements can be excessive. The memory profile of query_arrow seems to be “create all of the RecordBatches upfront and keep them around for as long as you hold the Arrow handle.


I have not done extensive allocation-level memory profiling as of this writing. It’s quite possible that I’ve missed something, but this seems to be what’s happening from watching Activity Monitor. Please let me know if I’ve misrepresented anything!

Fortunately, DuckDB also has another API: stream_arrow. This appears to allocate RecordBatches on demand rather than all at once. There is also some overhead, which I’ll revisit later that varies with result size. But overall, profiling indicates that stream_arrow requires significantly less RAM over the life of a large Arrow iterator.

Unfortunately, none of the above information about memory consumption appears to be documented, and there are no (serious) code samples demonstrating the use of stream_arrow!

Down the rabbit hole...

Digging into the code in duckdb-rs raises even more questions, since several underlying C functions, like duckdb_execute_prepared_streaming are marked as deprecated. Presumably, alternatives are being developed or the methods are just not stable yet.

Getting a SchemaRef

The signature of stream_arrow is a bit different from that of query_arrow. Here’s what it looks like as of crate version 1.1.1:

pub fn stream_arrow<P: Params>(
    &mut self,
    params: P,
    schema: SchemaRef,
) -> Result<ArrowStream<'_>>

This looks pretty familiar at first if you’ve used query_arrow, but there’s a new third parameter: schema. SchemaRef is just a type alias for Arc<Schema>. Arrow objects have a schema associated with them, so this is a reasonable detail for a low-level API. But DuckDB is fine at inferring this when needed! Surely there is a way of getting it from a query, right? (After all, query_arrow has to do something similar, but doesn’t burden the caller.)

My first attempt at getting a Schema object was to call the schema() method on Statement. The Statement type in duckdb-rs is actually a high-level wrapper around RawStatement, and at the time of this writing, the schema getter hides an unwrap. The docs do tell you this (using a somewhat nonstandard heading?), but basically you can’t get a schema without executing a query. I wish they used the Typestate pattern or at least made the result an Option, but alas…

This leaves developers with three options.

  1. Construct the schema manually.
  2. Construct a different Statement that is the same SQL, but with a LIMIT 0 clause at the end.
  3. Execute the statement, but don’t load all the results into RAM.

Manually construct a Schema?

Manually constructing the schema is a non-starter for me. A program which has a hand-written code dependency on a SQL string is a terrible idea on several levels. Besides, DuckDB clearly can infer the schema in query_arrow, so why not here?

Query another, nearly identical statement

The second idea is, amusingly, what ChatGPT o1 suggested (after half a dozen prompts; it seems like it will just confidently refuse to fetch documentation now, and hallucinates new APIs based off its outdated training data). The basic idea is to add LIMIT 0 to the end of the original query so it’s able to get the schema, but doesn’t actually return any results.

fn fetch_schema_for_query(db: &Connection, sql: &str) -> duckdb::Result<SchemaRef> {
    // Append "LIMIT 0" to the original query, so we don't actually fetch anything
    // NB: This does NOT handle cases such as the original query ending in a semicolon!
    let schema_sql = format!("{} LIMIT 0", sql);
    let mut statement = db.prepare(&schema_sql)?;
    let arrow_result = statement.query_arrow([])?;

There is nothing fundamentally unsound about this approach. But it requires string manipulation, which is less than ideal. There is also at least one obvious edge case.

Execute the stamement without loading all results first

The third option is not as straightforward as I expected it to be. At first, I tried the row_count method, but internally this just calls a single FFI function. This doesn’t actually update the internal schema field. You really do need to run through a more “normal” execution path.

A solution that seems reasonably clean is to do what the docs say and call stmt.execute(). It’s a bit strange to do this on a SELECT query to be honest, but the API does indeed internally mutate the Schema property, and returns a row count. So it seems semantically equivalent to a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (...) (and in my case, getting the row count was helpful too).

In my testing, it appears that this may actually allocate a non-trivial amount of memory, which may be mildly surprising. However, the max amount of memory we require during execution is definitely less overall. Any ideas why this is?

Full example using stream_arrow

Let’s bring what we’ve learned into a “real” example.

// let sql = "SELECT * FROM table;";
let mut stmt = conn.prepare(sql)?;
// Execute the query (so we have a usable schema)
let size = stmt.execute([])?;
// Now we run the "real" query using `stream_arrow`.
// This returned in a few hundred milliseconds for my dataset.
let mut arrow = stmt.stream_arrow([], stmt.schema())?;
// Iterate over arrow...

When you structure your code like this rather than using the easier query_arrow, you can significantly reduce your memory footprint for large datasets. In my testing, there was no appreciable impact on performance.

Open Questions

The above leaves me with a few open questions. First, with my use case (a dataset of around 12GB of Parquet files), execute took several seconds. The “real” stream_arrow query took a few hundred milliseconds. What’s going on here? Perhaps it’s doing a scan and/or caching some data initially the way to make subsequent queries faster?

Additionally, the memory profile does have a “spike” which makes me wonder what exactly each step loads into RAM, and thus, the memory requirements for working with extremely large datasets. In my testing, adding a WHERE clause that significantly reduces the result set DOES reduce the memory footprint. That’s somewhat worrying to me, since it implies there is still measurable overhead proportional to the dataset size. What practical limits does this impose on dataset size?


An astute reader may be asking whether the memory profile of the LIMIT 0 and execute approaches are equivalent. The answer appears to be yes.

I’ve opened issue #418 asking for clarification. If any readers have any insights, post them in the issue thread!